This may be a funny post but I believe this is something we can all relate with.
I woke up this morning very hungry and craving noodles. We all know there are different varieties and flavors. But when I say I want to eat noodles, which is usually every other week, it is one particular flavor or nothing (Does this ever happen to you?).I went into the kitchen and realized my brothers had eaten it all (The way men eat scares me sometimes… anyways that is another story for another day).
I dressed up and went to the store downstairs. Surely Iya Modinat must have the one I want. I get there and I hear ‘ko si’ (We don’t have) In my mind I am like ‘ Ah ko si ke?’ with a frown at all the other flavors (What do you mean by ‘you don’t have?’) I walked to the next street, nothing. Next two streets… still nothing. I refused to settle for any other brand. At last! 4 streets away, a savior! I grabbed that noodle pack with joy and gladness. My brain, already processing the final meal after cooking. It was worth the walk!
I have a friend who would not eat without dodo. No matter what you serve her unless it is a swallow meal, you must add dodo. Rice and dodo. Spaghetti and dodo. Moimoi and dodo. Bread and eggs, please just put small dodo on the side for peace to reign. It was dodo or nothing. Sometimes when we serve swallow meals at get-togethers, we would sometimes tease her on whether to add some dodo to it. She would just give us a solid frown that always cracks us up!
My boss loves his sodas. He doesn’t miss it one day and the funny part is he never adds weight! We didn’t know how he did it. It’s the cola brand or nothing, No orange or lemon. Just the cola will be fine.
I have not changed my hair stylist in 9 years. I met him during my university days in Unilag where there were too many options to choose from. He fixed my hair up the first time and on returning back to my hostel I had about 3 people ask me where I had my hair done. I simply told them his name is Farouk. I graduated and moved to the island with my family. Farouk remained on the mainland. I never stopped going. People will ask why I had to leave all the ‘Island salons’ to go to the mainland to do my hair. Two reasons, the hair products and stylist were tested and I did not mind the journey (as most people say, mainlanders find it difficult moving to the island and islanders same).
Recently my stylist calls me and says he’s moved to Ajah! (I should be happy right….. but we know what traffic says in those parts. I was against traffic going to the mainland na….) Ajah ke! But I was happy because it was only showing he was progressing and expanding his market reach) Oh the ordeal I went through getting to him the first time I went to his new salon. It was raining, I took a bus, the bus stopped at one of the roundabouts, waited tirelessly for another, our bus conductor wanted to pay the alternative bus conductor N50 per head instead of N100, they dragged N50 ooo till we got on and left. On getting to my bus stop, it was filled with traffic, mud and drivers trying to out run each other. Got a keke to take me to where the salon was, keke got stuck at a narrow market road where cars carrying products for market women decided it was best to pack and offload in the middle of the road with cars trying to go through in both directions. It did not end here. The keke took me past my stop even after singing it to him and not knowing where I was going to in particular. 2 hours to get to the salon, to be there for at least another 2 hours. Oh what a day!
Guess what? I am going back there next week. It is Farouq or nobody for my hair!
We all have somethings we will just not compromise on. Whatever the interesting things or reasons or stories are we would like to hear them!
Note : This is a fictional mind of the writer
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