Monday 22 August 2016

Lifestyle Monday:Tips On Having A Heathy Work-Life Balance.

Yes,it is MONDAY again!
As 9-5 workers or business owners one of the challenges we face is maintaining a work life health balance amidst tight weekly deadlines and business schedules. Except these activities keep us on the move which is dependent on our job descriptions or nature of business, most of our day is spent in sedentary sitting positions at our desks till close of business. The diet during these hours is nothing to write home about. Just shoving down all that carbohydrate and sugar in that one position except we have need to get up like a meeting or using the rest room.
If your company has a gym close by and a healthy menu with fruits and vegetables to choose from at affordable prices or company food packages, then you are blessed in your work place. Bu if not, here are some ways you can stay healthy at work:

1. Do not skip a nutritious breakfast. It remains the most important meal of the day.
2. Use the stairs more unless of course you work on the 15th floor of the building with 250 steps. If you try it once,your body will not remain the same for days  and you will earn not to try it again - *rolling eyes*.But doing up to the 7th or 8th floor isn't a bad idea.
3. Take walks every time you have to use the phone except of course it is a wired telephone. You can instead at intervals get up and stretch and walk within the radius of the wire.
4. Imbibe a quick stretching session before small internal meetings. This should ease off some of the tension and make the meeting interesting.
5. Actually go on your lunch break. A lot of us have someone who just goes to buy the food and bring it to our comfort. You can actually just walk to the food vendor, have your meal there and walk back within an estimated one hour.
6. Drink a lot of water. Make sure the dispenser or fridge is at a walking distance from your desk.
7. Maintain a good upright sitting posture for your back and your neck. No slouching. 
8. Moderate the amount of light emitted by your computer screen, use visible and less eye straining font size and keep your computer at arm’s length distance.
9. Take your vacations seriously and when due.
10. Go home at the time you should close. Yes!

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