Monday 29 August 2016

Chibok Girls and Love in captivity.

It’s been 2 years since the Chibok girls have been abducted from their school and separated from their families and loved ones by Boko Haram.
In May one of the missing girls, Ali was found but not in the state she was abducted. She was found with child and a supposed husband.  Now, this brings us to one of the many vital questions that need to be asked since the abduction and rescue. ‘Do the Chibok girls want to be found?’ You may consider this an insensitive question considering they were taken by force and have been held captive.  We will not also rule out sexual abuse but Ali was found with a man and child outside of her home town. I am sure Ali knew where she was from and how to get home but she had to be returned.

Two years is a long time for bonds to have been established in a community that harbors full grown men and teenage girls only. In one of the reports shared, a rescued victim mentioned missing her Boko Haram husband and wanting t go back to him. The forces of attraction between the opposite sex can such a strong pull and if given time can develop into something worth keeping.
Some of the Chibok girls may have found love in captivity and may have started families with the huge resources available to Boko Haram for its operations.  Is this something they want to leave? Is being separated from the men whom they have come to love and bear children for under the circumstances worth the reunion with their families? It is mind bogging to think of how all of this plays out with the victims, the offspring of sexual or matrimonial union and the families of the victim who have everyday prayed and hoped to be reunited with the girls again.

What are your thoughts on this?

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