Thursday 1 September 2016

Candid Talk:Saying ‘I Do’ to a Widower.

There is a certain trend in the relationship world that seems to be going viral now moving away from the baby mama era.  With all the eligible bachelors running around town, ladies are now settling for widowers. Why is this so? This is partly because the single guys are not ready to settle down for all the reasons there may be or they are involved with more than one lady at the same time which is most likely the case.  Ladies are no longer waiting forever amidst all the sign languages and direct messages nudging the single guys to settle down. Widowers seem to be the trending relationship topic now.

A widower as we all know is a man who has been married but has lost his wife to death. There have been too many relationship scandals bordering around dating a married man over the years not to forget all the hate, drama and criticism that come with it. Ladies are now opting for men with demised wives. You can’t really be with a single guy because he most likely isn’t ready; you can’t be with a married man because it is never worth the time. You probably don’t want to be alone except you are resigning to be a nun. You have to be somewhere right? Most especially when all you hear is ‘Age is not on your side’ or ‘A flower does not bloom forever’ .

A friend of mine recently shared her good news of getting married to a widower with 4 kids. At 32, she probably figured she didn’t have any options and had probably gone through several family meetings and prayer points.
Now there is nothing wrong with being with a man who has experienced the demise of his wife but the worrisome thought is ‘waking up the next day after saying ‘I do’ to being a mother of 4!’ Just like that!

What happens to all that bonding time newlyweds are supposed to experience? What happens to all that baby planning and preparation period? What happens to having your own children?  Waking up to responsibilities of 4 non-biological children is a lot to step into and often leaves me wondering if it’s worth the shot at all!

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